Collection: Blue

Blue Opals

The color of the sky and heavens, it gives you the feeling of limitless possibilities

Live life off the beaten path


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Feel the Blue Australian Opal Ring - Sheila Marie Opals
Feel the Blue Australian Opal Ring
Feel the Blue Australian Opal Ring
Earthy Blue and Brown Boulder Opal Ring
Earthy Blue and Brown Boulder Opal Ring
Earthy Blue and Brown Boulder Opal Ring
Drop of Dew Ethiopian Opal Sterling Silver Ring
Drop of Dew Ethiopian Opal Sterling Silver Ring
Drop of Dew Ethiopian Opal Sterling Silver Ring
Built into Silver Opal Neclace - Sheila Marie Opals
Built into Silver Boulder Opal Necklace
Built into Silver Boulder Opal Necklace
Bring Out the Blue Opal Necklace - Sheila Marie Opals
Bring Out the Blue Opal Necklace
Bring Out the Blue Opal Necklace
Boulder Opal Beauty Earrings - Sheila Marie Opals
Boulder Opal Beauty Earrings
Boulder Opal Beauty Earrings